Welcome to my personal website!
I'm Hamid, a highly skilled and experienced Freelancer in Web development industry specially in Ecommerce field. With a lot of experience
and passion, I have honed my skills and gained a deep understanding of the industry. My passion for Web development has driven me to
constantly strive for excellence and deliver exceptional results for my clients.

I offer a range of services to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals. Whether you're looking to launch a new dropshipping online store, boost your existing online retail store, or simply need support in your website Maintenance and Optimization, I have the expertise to help you succeed.
My services include:
- Custom website design using WordPress
- Online store development with WooCommerce
- Customization of WordPress and its plugins using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO) implementation
- Digital marketing strategy implementation
- React.js customization for WordPress
- E-commerce website management
- UX/UI design for websites and online stores
- Maintenance and support for WordPress websites
- E-commerce workflow optimization
I take pride in delivering results that exceed my clients' expectations. I approach every project with a focus on quality, attention to detail, and a deep understanding of the latest industry trends and best practices. I work closely with my clients to understand their unique needs and tailor my services to their specific requirements. If you're looking for a reliable and highly skilled professional to help you succeed, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me to discuss your project or to learn more about my services.
I started programming at the age of 11 by learning how to code in Qbasic. Soon after, I began writing codes for 8051 Microcontrollers and worked on professional projects involving digital electronics and robotics from the age of 13. Throughout my early teenage years, I built several digital devices with AVR and ARM Microcontrollers. My family and friends were amazed by my innovations and creativity, which was just as sweet and amazing to me.

After obtaining my avionics degree during my early years of higher education, I secured a job at an aviation services company where I
worked as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer.
My responsibilities included maintaining, troubleshooting, and upgrading the electronic, instrument, and navigation systems of civil
aircraft. I spent a total of 6 years in the aviation and aircraft maintenance services industry.

Subsequently, during graduating in software engineering, I spent the last year studying and practicing web development. I have taken several mastery courses and have completed various professional projects in this field.

Professional Projects
Geek Shop
React.js Shopping Web SPA with Admin Managment Panel & Full Auth Features, utilizing React Router, Redux, MUI v5, Typescript, React Query, React Hook Form &...
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Shoea Store
Single Page Shopping Web App (SPA) utilizing Vanilla-JS with Browser Routing and Protected Routes. and Lazy Loading of the Pages by Code splitting and Fetching on Demand.
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Vidly App
Movie browsing App with full CRUD operations as well as Sign-up and Login features. with the ability to Sort movies by different paths and also Search them. the list of movies are categorized and paginated. this is the final project of Mosh-Hamedani legacy React course. Back-end is coded in Node.js and MongoDB (MERN Stack) but I have not still deployed it on Server...
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My Personal Website
This website... Created by HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS and jQuery.
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Deliwares App
Deliwares online shop with React.js utilizing Headless-WordPress as Back-end by WooCommerce REST-API
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JavaScript Notes App
coming soon...
Intermediate Projects
Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
Fully Responsive Graphic UI with Input Validations(a simple REGEX). implemented with Vanilla JS and Browser DOM API. Fully commented code.
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Simple Calculations yet. More features with more seamless functionality is gonna be implemented!
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ToDo List
Add and remove tasks and check them for completion. more features is to be coded...
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HTTP CRUD Operations by React
React Counter App
A simple React app to Exercise Composing Components and Lifting the State Up...
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Mini Projects
JavaScript Traffic-Light
Automatic Traffic-Light coded in Object-oriented paradigm (+Classes) of Vanilla JavaScript utilizing Promises with Async and Await.
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Guess-the-Number Game
JavaScript Clock with Alarm
A simple Clock with the ability to set Alarm coded in Vanilla JS using Date object.
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Persian Number Reader